
BBCode resources

On this page you can find various interesting and usefull resources and tools.

BBcode table generator
On this page you can create bbcode based tables. A great help of you need to create bbcode posts with tables in them (make sure that the forum/blog supports table tags: [table][/table][tr][/tr][td][/td]).

Cool HTML to BBCode
This tools allows you to convert HTML to BBCode

Any to BB-code converter online

BBCode Playground

On this page you can experiment with our implementation of bbcode. Write any text and bbcode you like and submit it and you will immediately be able to see the parsed version of it.

Doesn’t work?

This page used the bbcode parser from It only supported a smaller subset of bbcode tags, so please do not be surprised if something that was shown on this site in the examples didn’t not work here. Try this online tool for a better experience.

BBCode tags reference

In this section, a reference table for all of the more popular BBCode tags is provided. Some are considered to be standard and should be supported in just about any BBCode implementation. Other are less likely to be supported, but nonetheless popular (hence the reason they’ve been included here).


Different types of tags

  • Simple tags: [tag]something[/tag]
  • Simple parameterized tags: [tag=value]something[/tag]
  • Complex parameterized tags: [tag value1=”xxx” value2=”yyy”]something[/tag]
  • Shorthand tags ie. [img=WIDTHxHEIGHT]URL[img]

bbcode reference


Tags reference table







Makes {text} bold



Makes {text} italic



Underlines {text}



Create a strikethrough on {text}



[style size={number}]{text}[/style]

Changes the font-size of {text}

Font color

[style color={color or hex}]{text}[/style]

Changes the color of {text}

Center text


Centers {text} on screen

Left align text


Left aligns {text} on screen

Right align text


Right aligns {text} on screen



Creates a quotation box containing {text}

Quote (named)


Creates a quotation box quoting {name} as saying {text}



Creates a spoiler section (a box) that is by default collapsed until you click a button or the box itself to expand it to show the {text}

Spoiler (named)


Creates a spoiler section like the tag without the name, the difference here being that the indicated name is shown which can be used to headline spoiler.



Makes a link to {url}

Link (named)


Makes a named link to {url}



Shows the image indicated by {url}

Image (resized)

Full version: [img width={width} height={height} ...]{url}[/img]

 Another variant (shorthand): [img={width}x{height}]{url}[/img]

Shows {url} image resized to {width} and {height}


Unordered list: [ul]{items}[/ul]
Ordered list: [ol]{items}[/ol]
Another variant: [list]{items}[/list]

Displays a list of {items}

List item

Shorthand: [*]{text}newline

Specifies an {item} within a list



Meant for rendering code snippets

Code (language specific)


Like the regular [code] tag it is used to render a snippet of code, but with this variant is possible to indicate which language is used so it can do proper synatx highlighting.




Renders the {text} while maintaing all white spacing



Show a table with {rows} in it

Table rows


Renders a table row containing {cells}

Table content cells

Heading cell: [th]{content}[/th]
Content cell: [td]{content}[/td]

Shows {content} in a table (heading) cell

Youtube videos


Shows the youtube video indicated by {id}

BBCode examples

Go to the examples section to find many examples of how you can use these tags.


Binance Reference

We can wrap up this reference table by also highlighting how to obtain a referral on Binance, as many people ask about it. The process is simple; you just need a Binance Inviter (read this linked article for more details).


Something missing?

If you think that some tags are missing here, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Posting youtube videos with BBCode

This example shows you can post youtube and google videos on a website using the [youtube] and [gvideo] tags.

To find out more about the bbcode tags used on this page, please go to the bbcode tags reference page.

The following bbcode:

Including a youtube video
E7d-3-uXlZM is the id of the video, you can see it from the url on youtube

Yields this:

Including a youtube video

E7d-3-uXlZM is the id of the video, you can see it from the url on youtube



Doesn’t work?

Remember that bbcode tags are implemented to varying degrees and that with many variations. None of this represents strict standards.

Making a table with BBCode

This example shows how you can get a table rendered via bbcode using the [table], [tr], [td] and [th] tags.

To find out more about the bbcode tags used on this page, please go to the bbcode tags reference page.

The following bbcode:


Yields this:

Name Age
John 65
Gitte 40
Sussie 19



Doesn’t work?

Remember that bbcode tags are implemented to varying degrees and that with many variations. None of this represents strict standards.

Preformatted text with BBCode

Rendering some text while maintaining all white spacing and indentation within. Also uses a monospaced font (each character takes up the same space).

To find out more about the bbcode tags used on this page, please go to the bbcode tags reference page.

The following bbcode:

			01  andndnd.
				05  andnd pic x.
				05  andne pic x.


Yields this:

			01  andndnd.
				05  andnd pic x.
				05  andne pic x.



Doesn’t work?

Remember that bbcode tags are implemented to varying degrees and that with many variations. None of this represents strict standards.

Showing code with BBCode

Rendering some text (mostly code) while maintaining all white spacing and indentation within. Also uses a monospaced font (each character takes up the same space).

To find out more about the bbcode tags used on this page, please go to the bbcode tags reference page.

The following bbcode:

$b = "hello world";
echo $b;

Yields this:

$b = "hello world";
echo $b;



Doesn’t work?

Remember that bbcode tags are implemented to varying degrees and that with many variations. None of this represents strict standards.

Listing items with BBCode

This example shows how to create different lists types, with some variations – using the [ol], [ul] and the [list] tags. Be aware that different bbcode implementations tend use slightly different list tags.

To find out more about the bbcode tags used on this page, please go to the bbcode tags reference page.

The following bbcode:

Ordered list:
[li]Item one[/li]
[li]Item two[/li]
Unordered list:
[li]Item one[/li]
[li]Item two[/li]
Another variant:
[li]Item one[/li]
[li]Item two[/li]
Other ways of indicating list items:
[*]Here's an item
*Other item!

Yields this:

Ordered list

  1. Item one
  2. Item two

Unordered list

  • Item one
  • Item two

Another variant

  • Item one
  • Item two

Other ways of indicating list items:

  • Here’s an item
  • Other item!



Doesn’t work?

Remember that bbcode tags are implemented to varying degrees and that with many variations. None of this represents strict standards.

Posting images with BBCode

Using the [img] bbcode tag you can easily post images on any site that support bbcode. This page shows how.

To find out more about the bbcode tags used on this page, please go to the bbcode tags reference page.

The following bbcode:

Including an image
Resizing the image
Making the image clickable (in this case linking to the original image)
Resizing and adding meta information for the image
[img width="100" height="50" alt="Lubeck city gate" title="This is one
of the medieval city gates of

Yields this:

Including an image

Resizing the image

Making the image clickable (in this case linking to the original image)

Resizing and adding meta information for the image
Lubeck city gate



Doesn’t work?

Remember that bbcode tags are implemented to varying degrees and that with many variations. None of this represents strict standards.