| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | Create a strikethrough on {text} | |
| [size={number}]{text}[/size] [style size={number}]{text}[/style] | Changes the font-size of {text} | |
| [color={color}]{text}[/color] [style color={color or hex}]{text}[/style] | Changes the color of {text} | |
| | | |
| | Left aligns {text} on screen | |
| | Right aligns {text} on screen | |
| | Creates a quotation box containing {text} | |
| [quote={name}]{text}[/quote] | Creates a quotation box quoting {name} as saying {text} | |
| [spoiler]{text}[/spoiler] | Creates a spoiler section (a box) that is by default collapsed until you click a button or the box itself to expand it to show the {text} | |
| [spoiler={name}]{text}[/spoiler] | Creates a spoiler section like the tag without the name, the difference here being that the indicated name is shown which can be used to headline spoiler. | |
| | | |
| | Makes a named link to {url} | |
| | Shows the image indicated by {url} | |
| Full version: [img width={width} height={height} ...]{url}[/img] Another variant (shorthand): [img={width}x{height}]{url}[/img]
| Shows {url} image resized to {width} and {height} | |
| Unordered list: [ul]{items}[/ul] Ordered list: [ol]{items}[/ol] Another variant: [list]{items}[/list] | Displays a list of {items} | |
| [li]{text}[/li] Shorthand: [*]{text}newline | Specifies an {item} within a list | |
| | Meant for rendering code snippets | |
| [code={language}]{text}[/code] | Like the regular [code] tag it is used to render a snippet of code, but with this variant is possible to indicate which language is used so it can do proper synatx highlighting. | |
| | Renders the {text} while maintaing all white spacing | |
| | Show a table with {rows} in it | |
| | Renders a table row containing {cells} | |
| Heading cell: [th]{content}[/th] Content cell: [td]{content}[/td] | Shows {content} in a table (heading) cell | |
| | Shows the youtube video indicated by {id} | |